Insulators on glass fibre stakes
When putting the insulators (R8) onto the glass fibre stakes (R7), always use a heavy club mallet. It is also wise to wear protective glasses. Attach the insulators on hard ground before taking the stakes to the field. Locate the stake in the groove along the bottom side of the insulator; two sharp blows will then puncture the membrane.
Never pre-open the holes. Put the insulators on the stakes before taking them to the fields. The insulators can then be adjusted by sliding them to the desired height.
With constant use they will become loose in time. The cure is a small strip of insulating tape wrapped around the stake under the bottom flange of the insulator. When installing the stake again, lift the insulator off, drive the stake in and re-fit the insulator which will slide down to the correct height.
Attaching the pig tail (R17F) can be done once the stakes are in situ.