Fieldguard Newsletter

Kerala Rubber Plantation

Did you know? Fieldguard Rubber Mats are grown on trees

At Fieldguard, we pride ourselves on the high quality of the electric fencing products we sell, and the same goes for our rubber mats. Our rubber mats don't exactly grow on trees, but the latex used for their production is tapped from the trees grown on rubber plantations in Kerala, India. We don't just import stock from a supplier's catalogue. Most of the products we offer at Fieldguard have been developed by horse owners for horse owners and are made with...

Fieldguard Fencing keeping badgers out

Fieldguard fencing – helping to keep unwanted visitors out of your garden

Ten days ago, we had a call from a customer whose garden lawn was being damaged by badgers. Being local, we assessed the problem first-hand and helped create a fencing package to deal with the problem. This included three 40mm brown tape strands, R8 insulators, and R36V tensioners. Power would be supplied using a Speedrite S5 energiser. The system also included three R11 gate handles, allowing the fence to be left open during the day for access. A week after installation, badger visits have completely stopped,...

Fieldguard Product Catalogue

For those of you who like to have information literally in your hand, we can send you a print copy of our Fieldguard Catalogue. Packed with every product in an easy to read format and pull out price list. To order your copy, call us on 01483 275182 0r email us at

Time to renew and repair your electric fencing in time for summer

A well-installed and maintained Fieldguard electric fencing system will last for very many years, but it does need a little tender loving care from time to time – something we tend to forget this while it is working and looking smart. The old saw ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ holds as true even with our tough product.


Fieldguard electric tape is the original electric fencing tape, developed by Fieldguard with our French partners...

Fieldguard electric fencing for horses

Fieldguard electric fencing tape is the original tape, developed by Fieldguard with our French partners – both being horse breeders – in 1984. By its nature, electric fence tape has high electrical resistance and requires large power units. To mitigate this, Fieldguard 40mm electric tape is made with 10 x 0.4mm stainless steel filaments, which is perfect when used with our Defender electric fence energisers. Animals touch the edge, so the filaments of the 40mm tape (excluding white) are...

Spring is just around the corner

Time to think about fettling your fencing ready for 2018 so that turning out is still safe and angst free. A well installed and maintained Fieldguard fencing system will last for very many years, but it does need a little tender loving care from time to time – something we tend to forget while it is working and looking smart. The old saw ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ holds as true even with our tough product. The first thing to do...

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